We help form an effective alliance to collectively address several challenges of agriculture and promote access to investment, technology, inputs, and markets. .
Our services benefit a large number of farmers, packaging suppliers and vendors. Our aim is to not only generate revenue but also to promote gainful employment through APCs.
Seeds are the foundation of agriculture. Technology has modernized much of farming's day-to-day operations. With the Help of cutting edge technology we work towards achieving and maintaining high seed quality.
Provider of a detailed variety of ranges from size, weight and moisture suitable for commercial and non commercial purpose of usage.
Conduct Soil test for one or more of a wide variety of soil analysis conducted for one of several possible reasons. We ensure that the foundation of your produce is kept intact.
We provide support for creation of scientific storage infrastructure, formulate policies/strategies for fulfilling the gap in storage infrastructure and the necessary support for accreditation of warehouses.
We promote specialised training and education of farmers to enhance their skill and improve productivity.
We support farmers and the local authorities in establishing MSP centres.
We assist in connecting farmers with various government schemes aimed to provide financial assistance and support to the agriculture sector. We also promote financial counselling & \support for financial literacy.
Awareness about various government schemes/subsidies and their implementation - Awareness is always the first step of every beginning, we use multiple channels to keep our members updated, including various mediums to implement that.
As every activity has a risk factor involved in it, we calculate risk in different forms to understand and minimize it.
We establish connections among farmers and technology through which processing and operations could be faster. This involves linking farmers to experts to understand and get solutions quicker.
In the 21st Century technology plays an important role in success. As we are living in the technology era, we have the best technology required to help our members function and compete.